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Mauritius Replants Mangroves

Hello MAP team!

I carry good news concerning our War
against global warming! My team successfully completed the Mauritius
Mangrove Restoration Project; a project I created and funded. The
latter consisted of planting over 12,000 mangrove seeds (also known
as propagules) along the shorelines of Mauritius. The project was
executed on the 22nd and 23rd June 2012 under the supervision of the
a representative from the Ministry of Fisheries. It was tough work
which required a lot of effort and planning but I am proud to say that we
made it! The initial aim was to plant 10,000 mangrove trees but we
didn’t stop there since planting more trees at that time was
feasible… and we are not done yet!
come from Mauritius, an island off the southeast coast of the African
Continent in the southwest Indian Ocean (2010’S 5731’E).Mangroves
covered most of the coastline of Mauritius in the past. Over the
decades mangroves have been destroyed for firewood, construction
purposes,development purposes and for providing boat passages.
play an important role in the coastal
ecosystem of Mauritius and their importance is listed as follows:
  • They
    prevent coastal erosion and dampening action of waves on coastline.
  • They
    retain terrigeneous sediments, thereby protecting the lagoons from
    the effects of sediments.
  • They
    are one of the most potent carbon absorbers in the world.
  • They
    provide food in the form of leaves and offering detritus trapped
    among their roots for a number of marine organisms.
  • They
    provide habitats and nursery grounds for crabs, shrimp and juvenile
  • They
    provide substrates for fixation of oyster spat.
project became necessary lack of mangrove plants in the lagoon was
responsible for considerable decrease in yield of fish. About 70% of
commercial fishes depend on mangrove sites during their juvenile
stages, so healthy mangroves are vital as many people in Mauritius
depend on fisheries (fishing, crab catching) to earn a living.
main objective behind this project however was to lend a hand in the
fight against the greenhouse effect.. A study by Malaysian professor
Jim Eong Ong reveals that mangroves may sequester more carbon than
any other ecosystem on earth.
12,000 seeds were planted in various sites all located in the
south-east of the island. The name of the regions are namely ‘Bois
des amourettes’, ‘Bambous Virieux’, ‘Providence’ and ‘Anse Jonche’.
Please find attached pictures showing the areas where the seeds were
was hoping that this project will sensitize the world
about the benefits of mangroves. This would enable people interested
in mangroves to contact me and encourage collaboration for future
projects. Please feel free if you require more pictures or if there
are any clarifications to be made.