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Increasingly, organizations, companies and governments
are promoting the discourse of so-called green economy,  creating a vision for several years and have
taken more strength in recent summits and conferences on the environment such
as happened at Rio +20. The Green Economies are included within the green
The proponents seek to incorporate nature in economic systems,
putting a price in order to negotiate pollution and ecological destruction. As
Peoples, communities, organizations, and individuals, we are calling on you
this July 26 to join our voices, from America, Asia, Africa, Europe and all
over the planet, against the false statements that promote the commodification
of nature, mangrove wetlands and other ecosystems and seek to bring them to a
market scheme. Carbon markets, clean development mechanism (CDM), sustainable
certifications, and other perverse incentives, seek whitewash operating
activities and high social and environmental impact as the shrimp farms, salt
mines, plantations, mining, oil, dams, industries and hotel ventures among many
other threats. 
We reaffirm our position that mangroves should NOT enter into
the logic of commodification of nature. 
  • NO to the economy and green business. 
  • NO to the certification of shrimp farming industry.
  • NO REDD initiatives. 
  • NO to
    so-called Clean Development Mechanism (MDLS). 
These proposals are part of the
false solutions to complex problems like climate crisis, neither the states and
governments want to address in depth. 
Affirm: the people own their land and are
entitled to live in a healthy environment. The mangrove has a value that has no
price. It is essential to implement development models that are based on
respect for society and nature, with an intergenerational vision, comprehensive
and long term. 
We add our voices, our hearts we add this on July 26.
Redmanglar Internacional