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MAP staff joins the Livelihoods Camp in India

 Jaruwan (Ning) Enright,

I as a MAP-Thailand’s Field
Project Manager was selected to attend a three days event called the “Livelihood
Network Camp 2012 (2nd Edition)
8-10th October 2012: “learning by doing
at Araku, Vishakapatnam, Andhra
Pradesh, India.  There were 140 participants which came from
from 21 countries and 65 organizations, including private companies and NGOs.  I was the only participant from Thailand.
The objective of the Livelihood
Network Camp was to share experience and knowledge and explore innovative
solutions and know-how in order to support efficiency and sustainability for
the implementing projects in the Araku valley of Naandi Foundation
and in other parts of the world.

Photo 1 Ning in the middle of the Livelihood Camp participants.

The camp was help in the Araku
valley, where the tribal people are now growing fair-trade organic coffee
supported by Naandi Foundation, a local Indian NGO which is playing an
important role helping the farmers with training in sustainable agricultural
practices, setting up a state-of-art coffee processing unit and formation of a
Small and Marginal Tribal Farmers Mutually Aided Co-operative Society
(SAMTFMACS) with a connection to the international market.  There were 6 sub-workshops during the

Photo 2: Ning joined the “Fruit for
the hard

I participated of the group work on “Fruit
for the hard work
” to discuss about “Access to Markets
which is part of a carbon
credit project.  After the full day field
visit to a very beautiful tribal village where they grow organic mangoes and
coffee our group tired to evaluate the most appropriate value chain from local
markets to global markets, identifying and creating added value and product
differentiation for the communities
involved. Our task was  to provide
recommendations to Naandi Foundation on how they could adjust from a pilot
action to large-scale implementation.



The project being implemented at Araku is one of the projects supported
Livelihoods, an
organization based in Paris supported by donors
in France
as well as a well as the
worldwide dairy product company, Danone . There are 3 programs including Livelihoods Fund,
Livelihoods Venture and Livelihoods Network.  
Under the Livelihood Fund programme there are three mangrove restoration
projects funded in different regions of the world. They are being implemented
Nature Environment & Wildlife Society    (NEWS) in the Sunderbans-India, Casamance in Senegal and
Yagasu in Indonesia.  I had the opportunity to present a poster on
MAP’s work and shared the Ecological
Mangrove Restoration (EMR)
approach with the other NGOs representatives who
are working on mangrove restoration mentioned above.


Photo 3: Ning’s poster presentation
session regarding MAP’s Ecological Mangrove Restoration (EMR) and Livelihoods activities
in Thailand.