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Our annual Fund drive is on!

Dear Mangrove Conservation and MAP Supporters,

Again, we would like to thank those who have already given a donation this month in support of MAP’s work to save the mangroves. We have now raised $4,600, almost half-way to our goal of $10,000 total we are hoping to raise in our end of the year fundraiser.

Please consider donating to MAP now before the end of the year, so that we can begin our next year with more strength and backing to restore and conserve our planet’s mangrove wetlands.

Your donation makes a difference, and will come at a critical time. Mangroves play such a vital role in reducing the ill effects of climate change. Help MAP restore a healthy, productive bioshield along the coasts now vulnerable o hurricanes and typhoons. Through your support, you can help us bring back the mangroves to areas where they can be recovered, and conserve and protect existing mangrove forests before these too are lost. Please help MAP to meet the challenge in the year to come.

Give generously today for a tomorrow with mangroves! Your donation, no matter how big or small, can make a big difference!

Give before year’s end, so your donation can be tax deductible. We look forward to hearing from you!


To view the original funding request CLICK HERE