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Margarita Island, Venezuela from 15 to 18 July 2014   

The effects of the climate crisis certainly fall more heavily on the most vulnerable populations.  Communities and peoples of marine coastal areas are one of them; rising sea levels will represent the loss of territories, the threats to food sovereignty and processes of forced migration. The warming waters or increased acidity in them, resulting in the loss or reduction of marine life and species important to the livelihood and food. In general, climate change will increase the social and ecological vulnerabilities.  Given this reality, Redmanglar International under the Social PRECOP on Climate Change organized by the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, says: 

It is essential to address the effects of climate change, incorporate ancient knowledge as a structural axis of actions focused on containment, adaptation and survival of the people. Incorporate a vision of development based on the territorial approach.   
Marine coastal villages now live a complex reality, where it is necessary and essential to strengthen resistance to the proposals coming from the market and industry, and seek to commodify mangroves and life.
proposals seeking financial support from governments and cooperation, and
legally TNCs that dismantle our ecosystems and territories, increasing the
vulnerability of the people; as shrimp farming, salt, agribusiness, tourism and
hotel development, oil and mining, construction of dams and hydroelectric mega,
and projects that seek to incorporate mangroves in the carbon markets.
 It is
essential to rescue ancestral knowledge and current experiences to strengthen
the response capacity of communities and native peoples before the climate
crisis and to exchange knowledge about resilience in production systems and
livelihoods in the context of food sovereignty .  It is urgent to stop the advance of desertification as a
process that exacerbates poverty and seriously affects the loss of biodiversity
in our towns.
the UNFCCC the urgent need to protect the mangrove ecosystem as a natural
buffer against the effects of climate change and as a source of food
of a fund to finance local initiatives and support to marine coastal
towns.  We demand that the mangrove
ecosystem is referred to a world-class ecosystem protection as critically
endangered and stop the advance of deforestation and loss of mangroves by
industry, mainly in industrial aquaculture and tourism. 
the capacities of women, as they are particularly concerned to extreme weather
events, who are generally responsible for ensuring the integrity of their
family and basic livelihoods in an emergency. 
urge the international organizations participating in this Social Movements
Social PRECOP in Venezuela, to consolidate a global action against allowing
political influence to the UNFCCC for real commitment in the fight against
climate change is assumed, values ​​of solidarity and fostered inclusion among
grassroots community.
Asociación Ecologista para la Preservación Ambiental
Estado Falcón – Venezuela 
(0058) 0268.411.10.77 / 0269.220.10.23 