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Stop development of the Mexican Everglades

 Mexican Everglades Threatened

A great threat looms over EVERGLADES
NATIONAL largest mangrove area in the Mexican Pacific due to the interest of
building the project: Canal Centenary and hydroelectric Las Cruces, in the
state of Nayarit. Please spread this open letter to the President of the Mexican
United States where we request the cancellation of the project.  

President of the United Mexican States

Organizations of civil society, local communities, fishermen and women, researchers and activists from twelve countries in Latin America, built at the International Redmanglar make an urgent call to cancel immediately final and revoke authorizations granted and construction of the Canal Centenary and hydroelectric Las Cruces, in the state of Nayarit. These projects threaten human populations that depend on important natural systems and threatens the integrity of the largest mangrove area in the Mexican Pacific as is the system of mangroves and wetlands of Everglades National. The diversion and damming of rivers that feed would generate serious impacts on the biodiversity of this area containing a quarter of Mexico’s mangroves, affecting the Biosphere Reserve and a Wetland of International Importance Ramsar site EVERGLADES NATIONAL.
National Wetlands are the heritage of all Mexicans citizens and world heritage due to its international ecological importance. You should know the serious problems facing humanitydue to climate change and its effects, so the conservation and protection of these ecosystems, it is becoming essential to ensure the medium and long term, Mexico will have natural buffers in good condition, to extreme weather events and thereby increase the capacity survival of the most vulnerable human populations. 

Supporting conservation EVERGLADES NATIONAL represents a clear message to local communities, for the same country and the international community that there is interest in protecting the rights of the population and to prioritize the common and collective good instead of special interests and business. 

We at the International Redmanglar wsh to make our call to you as President of the United Mexican States to respect the rights and demands of the people and wixárika náyeri, native peoples and sovereign over their territories, who reject the construction and imposition of these works that threaten the destruction their livelihoods, their lands and traditions and culture. 

We express also our greatest concern about the way in which these projects have been launched; an unclear and behind peoples back is undertaken in the region: disguising briefings consultation process, ignoring their territories, forms of organization and livelihoods, clearly violating the rights of indigenous peoples that the Mexican state has assumed constitutionally and internationally protected in Convention 169 of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Alarm that the opinion of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) issued by the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) authorize the works assuming that the environmental impacts are reversible and social impacts invisible, when the technical and scientific opinions SEMARNAT collected the same say otherwise.

The arguments of the Federal Electricity Commission project developer, expressed to communities also demonstrate a lack of understanding of the environmental and social impacts that such projects entail. Express that “we must prevent the river water flowing into the sea waste” denotes ignorance of ecological processes in watersheds expressions fit within a single logic of misrepresentation and manipulation of information, we joined the rejection of these processes. Finally as civil society and the international movement We ask you in your capacity as President of the Mexican nation: Remove the political support for this project by severe impacts; canceled immediately and permanently revoked the authorizations granted and construction of the Canal Centenary and hydroelectric Las Cruces, in the state of Nayarit.

Support and comply with the decisions and wishes of indigenous peoples to live harmoniously in its territory meets the voices as the Intercommunity Council for Sustainable Development Rio San Pedro, the Indigenous Council Nayeri and at least 20 fishing cooperatives, who have rejected the project by threatening their livelihood. so a
lso express the International Redmanglar, together with our allies and members as Redmanglar Mexico, look forward to following this case. We endorse and support náyeri ancestral towns and wixárika, and generally to Mexican neighbors and fighting for the defense of their heritage. 

Twenty-ninth day of September Redmanglar International

Executive Secretariat Redmanglar COGMANGLAR International – Executive Secretariat 2011 – 2016 City of Guatemala. Central

Redmanglar Internacional 
Secretaría Ejecutiva Redmanglar Internacional COGMANGLAR – Secretaría Ejecutiva 2011 – 2016 Ciudad de Guatemala. Centroamérica 
(502) 24768663 
Países miembros: 
Brasil, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Perú.