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EPIC Short Video Starts Rolling

Leo Thom, MAP visual communication consultant, and Tim Plowden, a professional photographer based in Singapore join MAP-Asia staff, Jim & Ning in the field early December for 6 days in Krabi capturing film and photos for the production of the Ecosystems Protecting Infrastructure Communities (EPIC) project short video.

Ning, Tim,
Leo and Jim planning trip into the Krabi River Estuary Mangroves

 The IUCN’s EPIC project taking place in 6 countries are producing short videos to spread the message that healthy ecosystems are critical to reducing the impacts of future disasters, known as Ecosystem Based Disaster Risk Reduction or Eco-DRR for short.  EPIC is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety’s International Climate Initiative (BMU-ICI).  Nature based solutions are an important strategy to deal with climate change intensified disasters. Mangroves act as critical coastal bio shields which are able to self-repair following tropical storms, unlike man-made hard infrastructure. They also slow the process of coastal erosion which is accelerated by sea-level rise and more frequent and intense storms.

Leo& Tim interviewing Projects Abroad’s Marine Conservation Field Co-ordinator,
amongst the roots of Xylocarpus moluccensis mangrove

The team shot video of the two EPIC mangrove restoration demonstration sites on Klang Island in the Krabi River Estuary Ramsar Site, as well as the project advisory committee meeting, site monitoring, hydrological improvement work, Project Abroad volunteers engaged in restoration site maintenance and interviewed key project stakeholders.

Healthy mangroves ecosystems were filmed to illustrate the many goods & services obtained from mangroves, especially fishery based livelihoods. Video scheduled should to be complete in early March!