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MAP-Asia staff member joins IUCN Indo-Burma Hotspot Small Grants workshop in Bangkok

By Ms. Pimaaksara Chalermwon, MAP Thailand Project Manager

On 4-5 August, 2016 Ms. Pimaaksara Chalermwon (Pick), MAP Thailand Project Manager joined the meeting on “Project Development & Proposal Writing Workshop of Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund” (CEPF).

 CEPF is designed to safeguard Earth’s biologically richest and most threatened regions, known as biodiversity hotspots. The Indo-Burma Hotspot comprises all non-marine parts of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, plus parts of southern China. The workshop objective was to building capacity for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on project development and implementation.

There were 30 participants from CSOs from all regions of Thailand including the local and international NGOs.
The workshop focused on the CEPF strategy, eligible strategic directions and how to prepare a successful Letter of Inquiry (LOI) as well as presentations from CEPF grantees from previous years.

 This was a good opportunity for MAP staff to learn how to develop proposal successfully and meet with the grants requirement. The basic step in project proposal development shared at the workshop was understanding of Log Frame goals.

 Finally, this opportunity provided motivation on grant writing. I’ve learned more about writing in a clear and concise manner. This workshop will also help support networking between organizations working in the environmental field and the result has certainly built capacity on proposal writing skills.