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Mangrove Meet-up: Sharing ideas, perspectives and experiences

MAP Volunteer Intern, Emma McDowell
March 9th was
another sweltering day in southern Thailand. 
The air was almost wet with humidity, the sun beat down from overhead,
and the relentless heat hung around like a blanket.  However, the midday temperature did not stop
the seven villagers from Ban Thung Yor, Klong Thom, Krabi Province who were
exploring the mangrove restoration site at Ban Nai Nang.  This was the second stop on a two-day tour of
three villages affiliated with Mangrove Action Project (MAP) and funded through
Synchronicity Earth of the UK.  The tour
was set up to highlight the experiences of MAPs participants and share ideas of
how to successfully restore their own mangrove area.
Our group posing
for a picture in front of the bee and
 rubber garden at Ban Nai Nang.  March 8th, 2017.
Earlier that day
they had explored the site at Ban Lang Da- a reclaimed shrimp pond area where
the abundant green mangroves showed the success of the Community Based
Ecological Mangrove Restoration project (CBEMR) started in 200
8.  The site was restored back to mangrove
forest, after it had been converted into a shrimp pond and then abandoned for
more than 10 years.  Village leader Mr.
Bandon Mad-osot showed the sites’ foliage and reestablished fish, crab and bird
populations to the villagers from Ban Thung Yor.   He
spoke of his community’s experience working with MAP and ended his tour by
saying, “I don’t have very much more to say. 
Just do it!  You will see so many
benefits for your community.”  The
villagers asked many questions and were excited to see how the area has reestablished
the mangroves over time.  “It is
beautiful,” spoke the village chief of Thung Yor, “so much green everywhere.”
The second stop of
the day brought the villagers to the heat of mid-day and to the eco village of
Ban Nai Nang.  Villagers got to meet Mr. Sutee
Pankwan ­­­­­­­the chairperson of the villages apiculture group, and discussed
how the village has many different groups (crab bank, ecotourism, and
apiculture product production) and that all work together and contribute their
profits to the conservation group that aids the preservation of the mangroves.  Sutee Pankwan highlighted the need to learn
and work together and share knowledge to be successful, and told the group
that, “working together is the key to our success.  We all have different groups in the village,
but we always make sure that some of the money we make, goes into the
conservation fund.  Without nature, our
projects would be pointless.”  He also
shared that the village was trying to register as a community forest, and that
they have plans to work on rehabilitating the mangrove area in the coming
month.  After trying some of the
delicious honey and touring the mangrove site, the villagers embarked on the
final step of their trip.     
Participants show off their beautiful handmade Batik
prints at Ban Talae Nok, March 9th , 2017

The tour concluded
with an overnight visit to the village of Ban Talae Nok.  Villagers here have worked for years to reestablish
their mangrove area, and have divided it into two sections- one left to restore
naturally, and another with the addition of the planning of Nypa plants that
the villagers use for thatch roofs, cigarette rollers, food, and daily life.  Villagers of Ban Thung Yor were invited to
learn to make batik fabric prints and were taken on a tour of the mangrove
area, which has grown a considerable amount since the last time it was visited.  “Our biggest problem was hydrology of the
site,” spoke Mr. Ekakarat Cheangyang, “once we got the hydrology fixed, the
area grew back quite quickly, and is still growing.”  Indeed, the lush green leaves and myriad of
crabs, birds, and monkeys are a sure sign of the sites success.

A group “selfie” in the Mangrove Restoration Site
 at Ban Talae Nok. March 9th, 2017.

Upon saying
goodbye, and arriving back in Ban Thung Yor, the participants were left with a
lot of information and knowledge.  Thung
Yor village chief, Mr. Raksa Komodkhan  said, “Thank you so much for taking us on this
trip.  We have a lot to think about now
and will raise these ideas with our community.” 
Hopefully after some reflection, they will decide to join the MAP network
and make their site the latest addition to the restoration areas directed by

For more images from the study tour, please look on the Mangrove Action Project Facebook