Explore the winners of our 2024 Children’s Mangrove Art Contest!

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Yucatan student strives to create awareness for the preservation of the mangroves of Sisal

When Alexander Imanol Chan Chuc was told that his drawing could not participate in an international competition, because it did not fit the horizontal format of the Children’s International Mangrove Art Calendar 2019 calendar, he felt a great disappointment and a great sadness.

But talent knows no barriers or obstacles, so – willing to show how he imagined an ideal natural environment in his native Sisal – Chan Chuc decided to create a new drawing, absolutely different, but of equal quality, as proof that he was chosen to illustrate to the month of February.

Recently, the formal presentation of this calendar was carried out in the auditorium of the Mérida unit of the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (Cinvestav), where their respective acknowledgments were also given to both Chan Chuc and four other children whose drawings formed the images with which Yucatán participated for the first time in the contest.

Children’s International Mangrove organizes a drawing contest for children and adolescents each year, from which it selects 13 images that will make up the artistic calendar, which serves to raise funds and thus support various ecological causes of the world.

This year the theme was “The importance of mangrove forests in my community” in which Yucatan participated for the first time with seven works.

A 16 year-old student of the third semester of the Tele Baccalaureate of Sisal, Alexander still can not believe that his drawing will travel the world and possibly attract the attention of someone who, like him, knows that preserving and
preserving the environment not only because it is beautiful, but necessary for the balance of
the environment.

“(I am) Excited, happy, very happy, but above all committed because it is not just a drawing. It is about creating awareness for the preservation of the mangroves of Sisal. I hope this encourages others to participate next year, but more than anything, I hope it helps to make people aware that these important spaces must be preserved
to maintain the ecological balance on the coast,” said the young man.

The calendar contains images created by children from Suriname, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, China, Nigeria, the United States, and other countries around the world.

On behalf of the local promoters of the contest, Marcela García Aguilar explained that raising awareness and sensitizing children and young people about the ecological environment, conservation and preservation of it, is betting on agents of change in the future.

The calendar costs US$15 dollars (283 Mexican pesos), plus shipping. Those interested in acquiring it can contact Cinvestav at 942-94-33.- Emanuel Rincón Becerra or visit