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Marvellous Mangroves in French Guyana 2021


MAP’s Marvellous Mangroves partner in French Guyana, Lucile Dudoignon of Koté Forest, has had

a busy spring with lots of educational action. She was instrumental in creating a teaching kit with

many educational tools on Guyanese mangroves which supplements Marvellous Mangroves.

World Wetlands Day (February 2021) was celebrated with students of CM1 and CM2. A

teaching project was offered to 3 classes. They learned about mangroves from many activities

which included sound cards, tracking games, tree species identification, microscopes and diatoms,

plus scientific observation with partners, and mangrove stories – both told and mimed.

Students from the 3 classes also made illustrated storybooks on mangroves: from writing

tales to illustrations – not forgetting presentations on restoration in both theatre and/or the


Mangrove discovery workshops were hosted by Koté Forest and ran from February 01 to 15.

The three classes selected for the Mangroves Perspectives project enjoyed the MM workshops as

well as a mangrove field trip. Class CM 1 was from Kourou (Palmot School), and CM1 and CM2

classes were from Rémire – Montjoly (Honorian School and Galliot School).

The program is funded by Guyana Water Office.