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Threats to Senegal’s southern mangroves:

Submitted by
Ibrahima Thiam
Natural Casamance is a separate region of southern
Senegal separated from the rest of the country by Gambia. It is a region
barely left standing after years of violence around the separatist rebels of the
Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance (MFDC).
The region has the same name as its main river land that
opens multiple characteristics: fertile soils, farming and fishing as well as
tourism that develops around the coast. This coastline is in fact a huge delta.
North of the delta, a wide dune strip protects the hinterland, villages,
mangroves and rice fields. 

This is the dune belt that two companies covet ( the
Australian and Chinese Astron Carnegie, one of the largest zircon buyers in
the world) to extract zirconium mineral massively for worldwide consumption, the nuclear
industry and paints and abrasive papers.


An exploration permit has been issued by the Government
of Senegal in 2004 setting in motion a classic theme “employment against
environment”. And since 2007, hundreds of small exploratory drilling took
place in “Dune”. On 1 August 2014, the State of Senegal issued a
decree allowing Carnegie/Astron to move into the exploitation phase. 
Locals in the area are concerned by this operation
between Niafarang, Diouloulou, Kabadio and Abéné opposes this devastating
mining project against their precious ecosystem. Here are their arguments 
  • The mining permit issued by the State of Senegal lies
    partly in a “marine protected area” decreed by the Senegalese
    government in 2004. There are number crocodiles, monitor lizards, monkeys and
  • The zircon mining techniques are a real massacre of the
    dune; little will remain because the mineral is trapped in the sand.
  • The dredging method requires the installation of basins and works by suction and shoveling.
    We know what we must think of reclamation promises after five years of
  • The dune is a natural protection for the back country
    that struggles against rising sea levels. The coastline recedes by serious
    pace for several years. The hinterland consists of saltwater mangroves, but
    also orchards and rice fields. So we can not imagine a weakening of this
    natural defense against the forces of the Atlantic Ocean.
  • The groundwater inland risks infiltration of
    salt water.
  • The population livelihoods currently include vegetable
    crops, fishing, oyster farming and tourism, and all these activities will be
    heavily impacted by the mining. 
The “Environmental and Social Impact Study”
published in 2010 minimizes the degree of
opposition from the local population and concludes with a long list of
“mitigation measures”. 
Even the decree of the State of August 1, 2014 on the farm speaks of
“huge difficulties linked to low social acceptance of the project in the
middle of implementation.” 
Public meetings against the project, petitions for
village chiefs, releases of refusal of MDFC, musicians concerts are just a few
of many activities carried out against the project. In the region, the conflict between the two interests
is severe enough that the army has begun to increase its patrols on
site. Intimidation and corruption have also appeared in this issue  clashes between “pro – and anti – zircon” seem inevitable if Carnegie continues its exploitation of the Niafarang dunes.
Ibrahima Thiam
Regional Director
Wetlands International Africa
Rue 111 No 39 B Zone B
BP 25581 Dakar – Fann, SENEGAL
Tel: +221 33 869 1681


“We safeguard and restore wetlands for people and nature”