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Statement by the undersigned members of the network CO on the ASC shrimp standard.

We continue our protest!
Hundreds of NGOs in Asia, Latin America, Africa, North America and Europe
have been protesting for several years against WWF and the Shrimp Aquaculture
Dialogue; its lack of concern for the environment and local peoples’
livelihood, the dialogue process that did not involve local resource users nor
the NGOs that support them as well as the weak standards that have been diluted
in every new version including the ASC version
The conversion of mangroves and coastal
zones into ponds for shrimp 
Cultivation for the export industry has
caused severe environmental
destruction, depletion of coastal biodiversity
and wild fisheries as well as
  shoreline erosion. It increases
susceptibility to hurricanes and tsunamis and
releases massive quantities of carbon,
thus contributing to climate change.
The large scale use of fishmeal
exacerbates all these problems. Coastal
populations in tropical countries are
severely affected by the loss of
livelihood, food security and protection
from storms. Protests are often met
with human rights abuses. The UN Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment concludes that it is an economic loss for a country with
shrimp farming in wetlands. 
Open throughput farming methods are destructive and cannot
be called “responsible”. The feed industry is destructive and more fish is used
to feed the shrimp than the amount of shrimp that can be harvested, thus
worsening food security.
The CO has just finished an in-depth analysis of the ASC shrimp standard.
Each standard has been analysed and compared at various levels – e.g. what is
being claimed to what is being audited. Also the various draft versions of the
standard have been compared with the final ASC standard.
A few results in summary:
P1. Comply
with all applicable national and local laws
: The ASC certified shrimp does not require compliance with all
applicable national and local laws nor international treaties. There is no
specification on any laws to adhere to nor to audit.
P2. Site farms
in environmentally suitable locations while conserving biodiversity and important
natural ecosystems:
Farms are
allowed to operate inside the intertidal zone and in natural wetlands which can
never be considered an environmentally suitable location.
P3. Develop
and operate farms with consideration for surrounding communities
: Those who have been displaced by shrimp farms are not addressed.
Compliance cannot be verified as it depends on a fair p-SIA which will not be
available with the audit report. The definition of conflict resolution is
P4. Operate
farms with responsible labour practices
. The standard only guarantees “minimum wage as applicable”.  But it does not address the vast majority of
people working in the shrimp value chain like women and children who are shrimp
hatchling collectors, hatchery workers, packers etc.
P5. Manage
shrimp health and welfare in a responsible manner
. The Principle deals with shrimp health and not food safety. It does not
require any test for pesticide or antibiotics residues
. It allows antibiotics in hatcheries.
P6. Manage
broodstock origin, stock selection and effects of stock management
: The miserable condition of women and children who collect wild PL is
not addressed.
P7. Use
resources in an environmentally efficient and responsible manner
. The ASC standard allows the usage of forage-fish as shrimp feed which
nullifies any claim on sustainability. Genetically modified ingredients are
allowed in feed. Feed with soy from a previous rainforest area may be
The CO network will continue to follow the ASC shrimp certification and
its audit on the farms.