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The Consumers Association of Penang
(CAP) and Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) urge the state government of Penang to
cancel the proposed implementation of an aquaculture project in Penaga, Seberang
Perai Utara (SPU) because of its potential impacts to the environment and local
  The aquaculture project
would destroy mangrove forests, pollute the sea, threaten fisheries resources and
livelihood of coastal fishers, besides exposing the people and paddy fields
here to the threat of storms, effects of tsunami and saltwater intrusion.

Mangrove Forest in Penaga, Seberang Perai Utara, Penang, Malaysia

The shrimp farming project to be
undertaken by the Aquaculture Operators Association of Penang (Persatuan
Pengusaha Akuakultur Pulau Pinang – PENKUA) would cover an area of 204 hectares
including mangrove forest from Kuala Bekah River in the south to Kuala Muda
River in the north. We understand that the proposed project’s Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) is yet to be approved. We believe that if this project is
given the go ahead, there would be detrimental effects on the environment and the
lives of people in the area.
Our survey found that many people in
the surrounding area do not know about this proposed project. Many among them
especially the fishing community are concerned about the problems that would
occur if the project is implemented. It is estimated that the livelihood of about
1,000 coastal fishermen in the surrounding area would be affected if the mangrove
trees are felled and the sea on which they depend for their livelihood is
threatened by pollution from shrimp pond effluent. Fish, shrimp, crabs, clams
and molluscs that are a source of income for the fishers will disappear if the mangrove
forests are destroyed for the development of aquaculture ponds.
At the same time thousands of
villagers living near the coast would be exposed to the threat of storms,
tsunamis and coastal erosion in the future. And hundreds of hectares of paddy
fields and agricultural land could be affected by salt water (sea water) intrusion
when the mangrove forest which reduces wave energy and functions as windbreaker
is destroyed.
The implementation of large-scale
aquaculture projects in the state is not a solution to the present shortage of seafood
supply. Rather, the short supply of seafood stems from the environmental damage
and destruction of mangroves, as occurred in Balik Pulau and Seberang Perai
Selatan (SPS), Nearly 2,000 fishermen in these two areas have suffered 50% decline
of catches over the past few years due to development and shrimp farming in
their area.


Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) and Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM)