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Help us recruit Daryl Hanna as MAPs spokesperson for the Mangroves!

This is a petition needing your supportive signature to ‘draft’ Daryl Hannah into being the voice of the mangroves! Ms. Hannah as the mermaid from Splash has that coastal wetland connection making her the ideal candidate to speak for the mangroves. Mangroves cannot speak for themselves, and too often we at MAP can only reach a small number of people at any one time. A more well-known person, such as Daryl Hannah could reach millions of people, whom we really need to motivate to help MAP in our ongoing efforts to save the mangroves. And, the mangroves need such a vibrant spokesperson and conservation activist to raise awareness for this globally important and threatened marine edge ecosystem. Mangroves support a wide array of endangered species, including the Royal Bengal tiger of the Sundarban, proboscis monkeys, spotted deer, sea turtles, a myriad of marine life from shrimp to fin fish, crabs to manatees, flocks of migratory water birds to monitor lizards. Mangroves also support traditional peoples along the coasts of Africa, Asia and Latin America, providing livelihoods and basic essentials for countless fishing communities who are now struggling against an incoming tide of unsustainable development, threatening both their lives and their cultures. Mangroves are also vital in the fight against climate change, sequestering nearly 25% of the Earth%u2019s carbon. They also provide a living buffer against rising sea levels, ocean waves, hurricanes and even tsunamis. Mangrove Action Project needs Darly Hannah to help us reach more people and to speak as the voice for the mangroves which otherwise cannot speak for themselves. Help us draft Darly Hannah as our spokesperson by signing our petition today!
Sign MAPs petition by following this link: