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Immediate Internship Opportunity

Food sustainability campaign at an international environmental NGO

Are you interested in using your skills to promote the environment, sustainable food practices, and greater awareness among consumers and restaurants?

Project Background

Mangrove forests are among the most efficient absorbers of carbon in the world, are the nurseries for marine life, prevent coastal erosion, thus protecting coral reefs and sea grass beds, protect coastal communities from hurricanes and tsunamis, and provide several other vital services for the environment.

The Mangrove Action Project, an international NGO focused on conserving and restoring mangrove forests around the world, has launched a campaign called “Question Your Shrimp.” The campaign aims to increase awareness and change behaviors around the consumption of farmed shrimp from overseas, which has proven to be destructive of mangrove forests around the world and the rich ecology and marine life these forests support.

Did you know that 80% of the shrimp we consume in the U.S. is consumed in restaurants?

  • that much of the cheap shrimp served at “All You Can Eat” buffets comes from crowded overseas shrimp farms?
  • that much of this shrimp has been treated with antibiotics that are banned from use in both the U.S. and Canada?
  • that due to unsustainable farming practices, overseas shrimp farms often collapse within 5 years due to pollution and disease?
  • that shrimp farming has been the main cause of mangrove forest loss around the world, and that loss of mangroves releases large amounts of carbon from the mangroves cleared for shrimp ponds?

MAP currently seeks interns to help with the first phase of the QYS campaign. In this phase, MAP will conduct an awareness survey among Seattle area restaurateurs. The survey aims to gauge current knowledge levels around social and environmental issues related to the production and consumption of farmed shrimp from overseas.

In later phases of the campaign, MAP will also need representatives to get the word out and ask area restaurant owners and chefs to sign a pledge not to use imported shrimp. Several restaurants have already signed on. Our goal is for every diner and every restaurant to join the campaign and Question Your Shrimp and to create a hotbed of shrimp awareness around the Seattle area.

Details and Project Needs

Availability: We are looking for up to four (4) dedicated individuals who can make an on-going commitment of 5-20 hrs per week to speak to restaurant owners and conduct survey interviews. Each interview will take approximately 20-30 minutes. Most of the work can be done independently, at your convenience and based on the schedule of the restaurant representatives you contact. Meetings among volunteers and MAP representatives will be held on no less than a monthly basis at the Hub Seattle in Pioneer Square.

Location: Seattle metropolitan area.

Benefits: These are unpaid positions. But by joining us, you will be interacting with a dedicated group of professionals, volunteers and other interns also interested in food sustainability issues, the environment, and seeking to make a positive change in the world. You will also have the opportunity to learn more about MAP’s grassroots work restoring mangrove forests in locations like Thailand and in other places around the world where mangroves forests are threatened and you will learn what you can do to make a difference. Affected regions include countries in Asia, Latin America, Oceania, the Caribbean and Africa.

This is a great opportunity to think globally and act locally. You will also develop your interview skills in conducting a consumer survey, educating the public, and breaking down and explaining complex issues. You may use this experience to develop your qualitative and quantitative research skills. You can also learn more about the restaurant and food industry and gain experience at an international non-profit – all while advancing your passion for sustainability.

Depending on circumstances, we may be able to provide educational credit, references for future employment, and reimbursement for approved expenses relating to the position. More information: More information about the Mangrove Action Project can be found at:


To apply, please send your resume and a letter of interest to: SeattleOffice.MAP@gmail.com

Mangrove Action Project also seeks volunteers interested in the following areas:

event promotion
use of social media
contributions and updates to our QYS campaign blog and MAP website

If you have an interest in any of these areas, please contact Lisa Pau, MAP’s Outreach
Director at: lisa_pau@yahoo.com


Alfredo Quarto, MAP’s Executive Director at: