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A Letter to Mexico’s President

Dear President Calderonl,

I am the executive director of Mangrove Action Project, a global network with over 400 member NGOs and 300 scientists, working on mangrove conservation and restoration issues. We have just learned of your government’s plans to allow hotel development on and adjacent to the turtle nesting beach at X’Cacel on the Yucatan Peninsula. We are aware that the tourism industry is eager to develop all it can of the so-called Mayan Riviera, but we are concerned that your nation will sell out its unique natural resources for investment capitol that will be as short-lived as it is short-sighted and inappropriate for the future of your nation. The natural beauty and bounty of your country is in your natural resources and healthy ecosystems, which themselves contribute immensely to a healthy economy and are the actual tourist attraction that bring tourism business to Mexico. So, the planned development at X’Cacel is actually a detriment to your nation’s economy, not an asset as the developer would have you believe.

Please take immediate action to halt this short-sighted development at X’Cacel, saving not only the massive turtle nesting of endangered sea turtles but also saving Mexico’s reputation as a land that attracts because of its natural beauty not its artificial facade that not only hides but destroys Mexico’s true nature for all generations to come!

Please exercise all of the power in your authority to stop the planned constructions on the Sea Turtle sanctuary known as Xcacel-Xcacelito. Please decree federal protected status for the turtle sanctuary and bordering regions of Playa Xcacel and Playa Xcacelito in Quintana Roo. We know that the national Commission of natural Protected Areas (CONANP) has completed and published studies in 2005 assigning sanctuary status for these world important 360 hectares of Xcacel and Xcacelito. We are asking for further protection extending from the reef west through the wetland jungle to the paralleling Highway 307. In addition to the endangered marine turtles who return annually solely to this beach to nest, this zone contains endangered mangroves and other endangered plants. This is of critical ecological importance not only to this region but also to Mexico and the international community. It is a RAMSAR protected site # 1351. It is also one of the last public undeveloped beaches for locals and tourists to enjoy.

For A Sustainable Future,

Alfredo Quarto,

Executive Director

Mangrove Action Project

POBox 1854

Port Angeles, WA 98362-0279


(360) 452-5866


Attn. Lic. Felipe Calderon
Presidente Constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Residencia Presidencial de los Pinos
Puerto Central, Primer Piso
Colonial San Miguel Chapultepec
Mexico, DF CP 11850
Tel: 555-522-4117

cc: Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada
Secretaria del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT)
Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources
Lateral de Anillo Periférico Sur 4209, 6 Piso
Fraccionamiento Jardines de la Montana
Delegación Tlalpan
México, DF CP 14210
Tel: 555-628-0602
Fax: 555-628-0643

Lic. Mauricio Limón Aguirre

Subsecretario de Gestión para la Protección Ambiental

Tel: 555-624-3544 o 5

Fax: 555-624-3680

Email: mauricio.limon@semarnat.gob.mx

Félix González Canto
Gobierno del Estado de Quintana Roo
Governor of the State of Quintana Roo