Bringing Mangrove Education to Schools in Bangladesh
Location: Khulna, Bangladesh
Start Year: July 2013
Timeline: 8 days
Goal: To deliver Marvellous Mangroves workshops to rural schools in Khulna with the aim of educating students and teachers about the Sundarban ecosystem.
Marvellous Mangroves introduced to six rural schools in Khulna, Bangladesh
Students have now become mangrove educators in their own communities
Research partnership established between schools and Khulna University
What we did
Working in collaboration with the Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Network (CLEAN), our Marvellous Mangroves project extended to six rural schools in Khulna. Together with teachers and students, our team spent two days “on land” teaching about the Sundarbans ecosystem and carrying out our MM activities.
This was followed by three days aboard a boat, where participants, including CLEAN staff and consultants, were immersed in the Sundarbans. Armed with the knowledge to make a difference, the children now provide a vital avenue for increasing sustainable living awareness among their communities, while the MM curriculum continues to expand to other schools across the country.

Interested in working with us?
Get in touch with us at cassie@mangroveactionproject.org
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