Category: Mangrove News
- Read more about “Cry of a Warrior” Poem based on Nazaré´s struggle on the Isles of Sirinhaém – by Plácido JuniorMangrove News
“Cry of a Warrior” Poem based on Nazaré´s struggle on the Isles of Sirinhaém – by Plácido Junior
I felt the weight of the State on me I felt the weight of the Judiciary on me I felt the weight of the bitter-not-sweet sugar-cane agribusiness on me At times, the weight of the Cross bore down on me. What wrong did I do? Is it because I belong to the fisherfolk? Is it because I was born without a title deed on free-hold land? Is it because I just couldn´t abide seeing the wee fish, the crabs and the shrimps killed-by-stenching-stillage of the Sugar Mill which I have to denounce withoutrest? Why do they want to evict me and my sister from the islands, just as they evicted the other fifty-one families who lived here? Why do they want to destroy our roots? Why do they want to land-less us, water-less us? Do you not know that a fish doesn´t live without water and neither do we, away from the mangrove? …
- Read more about MAP intern’s Narration of First Field TripMangrove News
MAP intern’s Narration of First Field Trip
It is nine o clock in the morning, Vienkapang road, Trang city. I arrive at MAP´s Asia officefeeling a little…
- Read more about MAP News Issue 303, Dec. 8, 2012Mangrove News
MAP News Issue 303, Dec. 8, 2012
VerticalResponse Partnering with mangrove forest communities, grassroots NGOs, researchers and local governments to conserve and restore mangrove forests and…
- Read more about Immediate Internship OpportunityMangrove News
Immediate Internship Opportunity
Food sustainability campaign at an international environmental NGO Are you interested in using your skills to promote the environment, sustainable…
- Read more about Mangrove Planting Research at Eyuyu Island, Fujian ProvinceMangrove News
Mangrove Planting Research at Eyuyu Island, Fujian Province
China Mangrove Conservation Network (CMCN) is a non-governmental organization which devotes itself to mangrove protection. Founded in 2001, CMCN has…
- Read more about Electric Cars, Windmills…..and MangrovesMangrove News
Electric Cars, Windmills…..and Mangroves
VerticalResponse Dear MAP News Reader Each morning you shower, dress, have your coffee and breakfast, then drive to work, where…
- Read more about MAP News Issue 302, Nov. 24, 2012Mangrove News
MAP News Issue 302, Nov. 24, 2012
VerticalResponse Partnering with mangrove forest communities, grassroots NGOs, researchers and local governments to conserve and restore mangrove forests and…
- Read more about MAP-Asia Participants in China Mangrove WorkshopMangrove News
MAP-Asia Participants in China Mangrove Workshop
Jim Enright, MAP-Asia’s Coordinator, recently attended a “Regional Workshop on Catalyzing Incentives for Sustainable Management and Restoration of Mangroves in…
- Read more about Brief Introduction of Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature ReserveMangrove News
Brief Introduction of Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve
Teachers' workshop in cooperation with Mangrove Action Project Covering four counties (cities) and four districts, Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve…
- Read more about MAP News Issue 301, Nov 10, 2012Mangrove News
MAP News Issue 301, Nov 10, 2012
MAP NEWS Partnering with mangrove forest communities, grassroots NGOs, researchers and local governments to conserve and restore mangrove forests…