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MAP News Issue 382, January 23, 2016


The MAP News
382nd Edition                               Jan 23, 2016


Group Gathers for Mangrove Education project
BANGLADESH – Delegates from the Chinese Mangrove Conservation Network (CMCN) have completed a ten-day visit to the Sundarbans hosted by the Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network (CLEAN). The original idea came from MAP's Education Director Martin Keeley, when he visited both China and India this past summer to work on the continued spread of the Marvellous Mangroves curriculum. Mr. Liu Yi, executive director of CMCN, was looking for a location to take his staff to explore Asia's mangroves forests. Martin suggested to Mr. Yi and his assistant, Jessica Sun, that they contact Hasan Mehedi, executive director of CLEAN, so they could explore the wonderful Sundarbans mangrove forests. When Martin went on to visit Bangladesh to run another MM workshop, he also ran the idea past Mehedi. And so the seeds of the exchange were sown, and ended up with an exciting exploration of the Sundarbans, as well as visits to several schools in the Khulna region. READ MORE
African coast sustainable tourism project declared a success
SEYCHELLES – With the organization of the final project steering committee meeting in Victoria, Seychelles, the Collaborative Actions for Sustainable Tourism (COAST) Project in Africa has been successfully completed. The COAST project, a GEF funded project, was carried out by UNEP as implementing agency, UNIDO as executing agency and UNWTO as associate agency, and included activities in nine countries in Africa (Cameroon, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Seychelles, and Tanzania). The project had a duration of five years (from mid-2009 to mid-2014. The eco-tourism projects delivered tangible results on how local people can earn increased income through biodiversity based tourism products, such as a mangrove board walk in Kenya, or canoe tours in Ghana, and at the same time use tourism development as a motivation to help protect the environment, e.g. through mangrove re-planting in Tanzania or beach clean-up campaigns in the Gambia. READ MORE
EPIC Short Video Starts Rolling
THAILAND – Leo Thom, MAP visual communication consultant, and Tim Plowden, a professional photographer based in Singapore join MAP-Asia staff, Jim & Ning in the field early December for 6 days in Krabi capturing film and photos for the production of the Ecosystems Protecting Infrastructure Communities (EPIC) project short video. The IUCN EPIC project taking place in 6 countries are producing short videos to spread the message that healthy ecosystems are critical to reducing the impacts of future disasters, known as Ecosystem Based Disaster Risk Reduction or Eco-DRR for short. Nature based solutions are an important strategy to deal with climate change intensified disasters. Mangroves act as critical coastal bio shields which are able to self-repair following tropical storms, unlike man-made hard infrastructure. They also slow the process of coastal erosion which is accelerated by sea-level. READ MORE
Malaysian wildlife doomed to extinction?
MALAYSIA – The continuous emergence of wildlife news in the media warrants serious attention from the government and the relevant authorities. Malaysian wildlife faces a desperate fight for survival into the future and without urgent intervention, many of our country’s endangered species will soon be wiped out. They are being driven to extinction by many factors including habitat loss, hunting and poaching, population expansion, expansion of oil palm plantations, logging and opening up of forested areas for agricultural produce, dams and highways and above all, the flourishing illegal wildlife trade. Conservation NGOs have repeatedly warned that all these destructive activities have taken a serious toll on our wildlife yet little has been done in addressing the critical situation. READ MORE
2m hectares lost to sea intrusion
PAKISTAN – Sea intrusion has devoured about two million hectares along the coastal area in Sindh and Balochistan, experts informed the Senate standing committee on planning, development and reforms recently. The committee met to discuss the growing concern about sea intrusion along the 750km coastline from Karachi to Badin and steps to address the issue. The meeting was informed how Pakistan Navy, National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) and Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (Suparco) were using satellite imagery to record the pace of sea intrusion. However, precise data was still not available due to the shortage of funding. READ MORE
“Ecocide’ taking place in Cancun’s mangrove forests
MEXICO – Before dawn on Saturday, if you passed by Tajamar in Cancun, you might see 57 hectares of mangrove still struggling to survive. This small section of mangroves had survived thanks to the actions of the movement "Save Mangrove Tajamar. Even a group of children were organized to defend the greed of businessmen and officials seeking to create the "Malecon Tajamar " resort. For thousands of years mangroves had thrived here, until being devastated with the help of municipal, state police and tons of equipment. Despite the irregularities committed by the National Fund for Tourism Development (FONATUR), who falsified information as to deny even the existence the same swamp, the project went forward. The destroyed region was once protected by state and federal authorities as a home to crocodiles, iguanas, birds and snakes and other species. LEA MAS EN ESPANOL  Translate this page
Could artificial trees be part of the climate change solution?
USA – In the fight against climate change, trees are an ally. They suck in carbon dioxide, reducing the harmful greenhouse gases. But there’s a problem: we’re asking them to work overtime. Trees can’t absorb enough of the carbon dioxide humanity is throwing at them unless we turn every inch of available land into a dense forest, according to Christophe Jospe, chief strategist at Arizona State’s Center for Negative Carbon Emissions. But what if trees – or machines modelled after them – had superpowers? Artificial trees with otherworldly abilities are a great hope against climate change, since environmental experts say it’s not realistic to expect humanity to release significantly less carbon into the atmosphere. Our best bet might be to capture the excess carbon and store it or convert it into something useful, such as fuel. READ MORE
Dr. Martin Luther King found peace in Bimini
Editor's Note; The mangrove wetlands of Bimini Island in the Bahamas may have lent a moment of peace to the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but the developers on Bimini with government backing have given the mangroves hell there because of their greed for more tourism dollars. They have destroyed much of Bimini's mangroves and its once famous tranquility, trading this for massive tourist resort hotels and fast ferry marinas.
BIMINI – The quiet and natural beauty of Bimini’s backcountry mud flats were heaven on earth to a somewhat weary Dr. Martin Luther King in the spring of 1968. Guided by local boat builder Ansil Saunders, Dr. King wasn’t interested in chasing bonefish, snapper or permit, but to just deeply inhale the surroundings and fill his lungs with nature and to decompress for the moment. So much to do. So many new challenges facing the civil rights leader as he headed into another tumultuous year. King relished these trips to the small Bahamian out island, watching a flock of birds flying low over the water, he quipped to Saunders “I believe now more than ever in the existence of God.” That was 48 years ago and Bimini has never forgotten Dr. King. READ MORE
California wants to know who's harvesting your shrimp
USA -For a quick, easy meal, you buy some frozen shrimp. The label tells you the shrimp came from Thailand. It doesn’t tell you there’s a good chance they were fed with fishmeal derived from slave labor. Should the store be forced to put such information on the packaging? Would you buy it if it did? A cluster of California class-action lawsuits against corporations such as Costco is pushing the envelope on accountability for human trafficking and slavery in supply chains. The keyword is transparency: If companies are forced to disclose when labor abuses are involved in making a product, they may be more likely to vigorously police their suppliers. READ MORE
Rice and palm oil risk to mangroves
Editor’s Note – A new study, co-authored by Dr. Dan Friess who is on this CBEMR List, is gaining lots of attention as it reveals than oil palm and rice expansion are growing causes for mangrove loss in certain in S.E. Asia countries, which has gone on under the radar. Aquaculture is still the main driver, but declining, probably because serious problems in the shrimp industry caused by EMS disease & low world shrimp prices from over supply.
UK – The threat posed by the development of rice and palm oil plantations to mangroves in South-East Asia has been underestimated, a study has suggested. Rice and oil plantations accounted for 38% of mangrove deforestation between 2000 and 2012, the research showed. As well as being important carbon sinks and rich in biodiversity, mangrove forests provide fuel and food for coastal communities. The findings appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "Aquaculture has largely been held responsible for causing mangrove deforestation, particularly in countries like Thailand and the Philippines," explained co-author Daniel Richards from the National University of Singapore. READ MORE
No EU decision on seafood ban
EU – A European Union delegation visiting Thailand to weigh progress in battling illegal and unregulated fishing will not make a decision this week on whether to ban Thai seafood products, the government said on January 19. Thailand, the world's third-largest exporter of seafood, faces the risk of the ban after the EU gave it a "yellow card" in April for failing to clamp down on problems in its fishing industry. An EU dialogue mission to assess progress is set for Thursday and Friday but a technical team has already arrived, the government said. The team is monitoring Thailand's progress after it set up a centre last year to combat illegal fishing, said Vice Adm Jumpol Lumpiganon, a spokesman for the Royal Thai Navy. READ MORE


Hello Monica,
I’m very happy!! Yesterday we received in Philadelphia calendars are beautiful, that excellent quality material! Wow! Thanks for the certificates to the children, I'm even more convinced of the relevant and current work of MAP for our mangroves.
I would say that this calendar project is one of the most successful of MAP's. It is working with children, and to remember all the work of the teachers, communities and children to be given the calendar."
Henderson Colina
Asociación Ecologista para la Preservación Ambiental
Estado Falcón – Venezuela


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ACTION ALERTS WANTED: MAP News is looking for links to calls to actions/petitions and letter writing campaigns on mangrove issues, tropical coastal communities and other related topics. Not all submissions can be selected, but we look forward to hearing about your work and want to let our readers' voice be heard!
Email submissions to news@mangroveactionproject.org

Action Alerts:

Immediate Relief Intervention for Tamil Nadu Floods Needed
Relief support funding sought to help volunteers in India trying to offer relief for flood victims in southern India. READ MORE

MAPs 2016 Childrens Calendar now available ORDER TODAY

Mangrove rehabilitation in Asia – Local Action and cross-border Transfer of Knowledge for the Conservation of Climate, Forests and Biodiversity VIEW VIDEOS HERE

Singapore is dredging our home away: hands off our sand! TAKE ACTION

Volunteer Opportunities with Mangrove Action Project CLICK HERE

Want to learn more about mangroves?

Our short presentation will give you a better understanding of the issues we are working to solve. WATCH PRESENTATION

What is CBEMR? Easy to follow fact sheet – CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE to watch short introductory video. Together we can work "at the roots of the sea".

Join us in saving our beautiful country!
We hope you have been following the ongoing battle in Bimini, Bahamas.
We are in need of your help more than ever Click here
Exclusive Interview with Alfredo Quarto, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Mangrove Action Project – See more
Save the Sundarbans from Rampal power plant – View Sample Letter to Minister
Sign the Petition
Question Your Shrimp- Don't Buy or Sell Imported Tropical Shrimp! Sign the Petition


Marvellous Mangroves Curriculum

Marvellous Mangroves Curriculum in Bangladesh – WATCH VIDEO

En Portuges

Marvellous Mangroves – A Curriculum-Based Teachers Guide.

Education in the Mangroves - China


Check out our presentation for more details on Marvellous Mangroves

“Education In The Mangroves" can now be seen on the  PhotoPhilanthropy website here!

Read this 10 page history of the development of MAP’s educational curriculum VIEW DOCUMENT
Article in Canada's Green Teacher Magazine – Read More


FREE MAP Mangrove e-cards CLICK HERE

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It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.
—Mahatma Gandhi

Green Planet Fundraising Assists MAP – LEARN MORE


View MAP’s uploaded Videos at MAPmangrover’sChannel

The importance of restoring mangroves in an effective, long-term manner. Mangrove CBEMR video – VIEW

Question Your Shrimp Consumer/Markets Campaign!  WATCH VIDEO

Mangrove Restoration in Asia – Watch Short Video

Mosaic of Life 
READ A MOSAIC OF LIFE Peek into the underwater world of mangroves, "womb of the sea." By Liz Cunningham Photos By Wes Matweyew and Liz Cunningham

"Question Your Shrimp" Campaign

Learn more about the affects of the shrimp industry on mangroves by visiting our blog

Editor’s Note: Mangrove Action Project’s Executive Director, Alfredo Quarto was interviewed about shrimp by Green Acre Radio’s Martha Baskin


Information sheds clear light on shrimp-mangrove connection

Question Your Shrimp


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