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MAP News Issue 400, Oct 1 2016


The MAP News
400th Edition                               October 1, 2016


Reclaiming mangroves for shrimp production
THAILAND – For many years, farmer Noppadol Tawee lived with the constant fear of waking up and finding all the shrimp that were growing in his pond floating dead in the water. "The shrimp used to get sick, and I lost all of them several times. Some years, I could make a lot of money; in others, I could lose everything," explains Noppadol, a shrimp farmer living in Kanchanadit, a district in the province of Surat Thani in Southern Thailand. His neighbours advised him that the solution to his problem was related to a very specific kind of tree: the mangrove. Years ago, before shrimp production came to the region, mangroves had covered the coastline of the region, housing dozens of marine animals, including shrimp, small fish and crabs. Mangroves are known for purifying the waters and working as nurseries for a number of marine species, as well as being huge areas of carbon storage. But, since the early 1970s, the Thai government promoted semi-intensive and intensive shrimp production, which quickly spread to coastal areas, placing Thailand as the world's third-largest exporter of seafood and one of the main producers of shrimp in the world. This rapid expansion came at the cost of thousands of hectares of mangroves, a complex and rich ecosystem comprising different species of trees and a high number of other plants, animals and micro-organisms that grow in coastal areas in tropical regions. Noppadol's followed the advice of his community and planted mangroves. READ MORE


Protecting mangroves, Kenya's fishermen net cash – and more fish
1230KENYA – For fishing communities on Kenya's southern coast, felling mangrove trees to make boats has long been a part of life. But traditional attitudes toward the mangroves are shifting, as communities become aware of a new benefit from keeping the trees standing: cash payments for carbon storage. Local people who are protecting and replanting mangroves are now selling 3,000 tonnes of carbon credits a year to international buyers, for about $5-$6 a tonne. The money goes into financing more forest protection and restoration, and to community-chosen projects. "We have rehabilitated Gazi and Makongeni primary schools, bought textbooks for the pupils and provided piped water to the residents in both villages,” said Ali Salim, chairman of Mikoko Pamoja (Mangroves Together), the community organization working to protect local mangroves and reap the benefits. In 2011, residents of Makongeni and Gazi villages – home to about 6,000 people – began working with the Kenya Forest Service and the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) to protect 117 hectares (290 acres) of mangroves, or about 20 percent of the mangrove forest in Gazi Bay. READ MORE


Protests for Sundarbans face police, BCL bar
water-canon.jpg?itok=5fMRi72fBANGLADESH – Activists of ruling party's student front and police today foiled a cycle rally of green activists campaigning against construction of a power plant near the world's largest mangrove forest – the Sundarbans. The rally faced it's first bar at Central Shaheed Minar in Dhaka, where the programme was supposed to begin, from a human chain formed by Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL), the student body of ruling Awami League, around 10:30am, reports our correspondent from the spot. "Chhatra League and Sundarbans campaigners had simultaneous programmes at Shaheed Minar," Abu Bakr Siddique, officer-in-charge of Shahbagh Police Station, told The Daily Star. READ MORE

'Let mangroves recover' to protect coasts
INDONESIA – Allowing mangrove forests to recover naturally result in more resilient habitats that benefit both wildlife and people, say conservationists. In Indonesia, a Wetlands International project uses permeable dams to restore sediment needed for the trees to grow. The charity says early results suggest "ecological restoration" is more effective than planting programmes. More than half of the world's most at-risk habitats have been felled or lost over the past century, UN data shows. Mangroves are a group of about 80 different salt-tolerant species of trees that are able to live along the intertidal zones of coastlines in tropical and sub-tropical regions. The characteristic root systems of these trees allow them to withstand the ebb and flow of daily tides. The roots also act as buffers, slowing the flow of the tidal waters, allowing sediment to settle and build up as nutrient-rich mud. The unique habitats provide valuable shelter and breeding sites for fish, as well as stabilising coastlines, reducing erosion from storm surges and tsunamis. READ MORE

Promises unmet as Thailand tries to reform shrimp industry
c1_1092172_160922132057_620x413THAILAND – Facing international pressure for failing to stop human trafficking in its seafood sector, Thailand promised almost a year ago to compensate victims of slavery and industry leaders vowed to bring all shrimp processing in-house. That hasn't always happened. Instead, some formerly enslaved shrimp peelers have been deported. And some shrimp peeling sheds are being inspected and authorised to keep operating. Tin Nyo Win, who escaped slavery and alerted police to abuses, was deported to Myanmar this month, along with his pregnant wife and a half-dozen others, after being held almost a year in a Thai government shelter. Authorities said that although the couple were victims of modern-day slavery, they had illegally entered Thailand to begin with. "They don't treat us like humans. They treat us like dogs,'' Tin Nyo Win said hours before Thai authorities took them away. "They just try to bully those of us who are victims already.'' READ MORE

The deep marketization of development in Bangladesh
BANGLADESH – This article introduces the concept of ‘deep marketization’ as a relatively new, contemporary phase of neoliberal development policy in Bangladesh. By looking into the development strategy of the country’s energy sector, the article shows how an emphasis on marketization through public-private partnerships (PPPs) and other strategies advances a market fundamentalist agenda to strengthen the private sector and establish a world market. By drawing on interviews with development practitioners from various development organizations in Bangladesh, the article further reveals how development conceptualizations are shaped by the strategy of deep marketization, leading to the impoverishment of development by constraining its field of actions to measures based on the primacy of economic growth and private sector-led economic development, at the same time leading to a re-legitimization of flawed neoliberal development policies that result in further inequality, poverty and environmental degradation. READ MORE

Ericsson's Connected Mangroves project wins UN climate change award
81475200320_MangrovesProjectMALAYSIA – A ground-breaking technology project in Malaysia initiated by telecommunications firm Ericsson was announced as one of 13 winners of United Nations 'Momentum for Change' climate change award to be held at a UN Climate Conference in Marrakech, Morrocco in November. In a statement issued by the telecommunications company, the Ericsson’s Connected Mangroves project uses sensors to provide near real-time information to restore dwindling mangrove plantations. “The Connected Mangroves project addresses the need to protect an important part of the ecosystem of the nearly 3,000 miles (4,828km) of coastline in Malaysia. “By combining ICT innovation with collaborative partnerships that are built on a shared vision, we now see a higher percentage of the mangrove saplings will most likely reach maturity,” said Head of Ericsson Malaysia and Sri Lanka Todd Ashton in the statement. READ MORE

Study cites mangroves as carbon sinks
PHILIPPINES – Protected mangroves in this city have demonstrated the potential to serve as carbon sink by sequestering and storing considerable amounts of atmospheric carbon to mitigate the impacts of climate change, according to a state university study. The study, “Species Diversity, Above and Below Ground Biomass, and Carbon Stock Assessments of Selected Mangrove Forests in Iloilo City, Philippines” by Dr. Resurreccion Sadaba and Allen Grace Niego of the University of the Philippines in the Visayas, was one of six researches presented at the Regional Research Utilization Forum held today at the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Region VI here. The study, which was presented by Dr. Sadaba at the forum, has also shown that it is possible to build low emission alternatives to develop economic resilience and sustainability projects at a minimal cost. It determined the diversity of mangroves and quantified the amount of above and below ground biomass and carbon stored among the selected sites of mangrove forest, which included 8 sites in four barangays of this city. The rapid economic development being undergone by the city was acknowledged by the study. READ MORE

In CamSur, mangroves thrive again
08mangrove-620x465PHILIPPINES – A canopy of young mangrove trees hides the village of Sagrada, an hour’s boat ride from the town center of Garchitorena, Camarines Sur province, and thrives through the collective effort of its community. Once depleted 19 years ago, the mangrove forest blossoms after years of vigorous planting activities initiated by the community and the provincial government, according to Jesus Daria, the village chief for several terms, nurturing fry and fingerlings under the roots. Daria recalled that about a few hectares of mangroves were left in the 1980s due to firewood gathering and charcoal making. When reforestation began in 1997, during his first term, as a priority project, the forest cover expanded to 356 hectares. The community’s commitment and efforts to bring back the scenes of Daria’s childhood caught the attention of the provincial government. As forest guardians, residents agreed to prohibit the cutting of trees and assigned local officials to go after violators, as well as poachers. READ MORE

Indonesia’s best hope for slowing climate change
MANGROVE-4.jpg?resize=545%2C272INDONESIA – Indonesia’s mangroves are a massive storehouse of carbon and a key bargaining chip for the country in the upcoming climate change negotiations in Paris, according to the authors of a new study published in Nature Climate Change. “Indonesian policymakers should see protecting and sustainably managing mangroves as a potential solution for climate change mitigation,” says Daniel Murdiyarso, the study’s lead author and a principal scientist at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). “But to make progress, it is crucial that mangroves are protected and managed sustainably.” Large areas of Indonesia’s mangroves have been cleared in recent decades, but there’s perhaps never been a better time – nor such stark political motivation – to change this dynamic. READ MORE


MAP Co-organizes “Sustainable Mangrove Economy” workshop as part of the World Congress of IUCN

DW_5251-150x150As part of the World Congress of the IUCN, which took place from 1 to 10 September 2016 at the Hawaii Convention Center, the Relais Pole Mangroves and Wetlands of Overseas, in close collaboration with the Conservatoire du Littoral and Mangrove Action Project, organized on September 2 from 17:00 to 19:00 a workshop entitled "Moving Towards a Sustainable Mangrove Economy." The objective of this workshop was to show how the protection of mangroves makes sense not only in terms of conserving important ecological services of our coastal marine environment, but also discuss how mangrove conservation can be profitable, demonstrating how modern society could gain both economically, socially and environmentally. By replacing unsustainable development practices, such as shrimp farming, oil development, and tourism, with more sustainable and eco-friendly practices, greater, long-term value can be realized via effective mangrove conservation and restoration measures, especially today in the context of climate change, coastal protection from natural disasters and fisheries enhancement. READ MORE

Latin American environmental defender attacked, hospitalized
PERU – 2016 Goldman Environmental Prize winner Máxima Acuña de Chaupe was hospitalized after being attacked, allegedly by security forces hired by Minera Yanacocha, a subsidiary of Denver-based Newmont Mining, according to information provided by the Chaupe family. The attack took place on Máxima’s property in northern Peru that the mining company has been trying to obtain for its Conga gold mine project. “Minera Yanacocha must immediately stop their harassment of Máxima and her family, denounce attacks like this one, and call on its employees, agents and all others to ensure her safety,” said Earthworks’ Executive Director Jennifer Krill. The attack against Máxima is an alarming reminder of the murder earlier this year of Honduran activist Berta Cáceres. Berta was the 2015 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner from South and Central America. Both Berta and Máxima put their lives at risk by publicly denouncing multinational corporations threatening their communities. “Environmental defenders like Máxima, and the late Berta Cáceres before her, should not have to risk their lives to protect their homes and communities,” said Martin Wagner, managing attorney at Earthjustice. READ MORE

Hands on’ in the mangroves: Rookery Bay hosts National Estuaries Day
636104832957837802-Estuary1USA – The Rookery Bay estuary operates every day, 24/7/365, providing early childhood training for schools of fish, hosting baby birds making their first flights, and filtering millions of gallons of water to keep our environment healthy. But one day a year, Estuaries Day, the humans who manage the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve throw open the doors to their Environmental Learning Center, and offer the public the chance to discover the reserve without having to pay an admission fee. On Estuaries Day hundreds of people, couples, singles, families and seniors, took advantage of the offer and the special programs to learn more about estuaries, the vital component of the natural system on which we all depend. They learned directly from the biologists and researchers on the Rookery Bay staff in a series of “junior scientist” labs inside the reserve headquarters, and ventured outside on a brilliant morning to experience the mangrove estuary first hand. As part of the program, visitors could get literally “hands on” atop the waters of Henderson Creek, going out on a guided kayak excursion and paddling themselves through the brackish waters lined with red mangroves. READ MORE

How fig trees can help us save rainforests and wildlife, thanks to curious biology and deep roots in culture
USA – A new book tells how fig trees have shaped our world, influenced diverse cultures and can help us restore life to degraded rainforests – all thanks to their curious biology. They are trees of life and trees of knowledge. They are wish-fulfillers … rainforest royalty. They are the fig trees, and they have affected humanity in profound but little-known ways. Mike Shanahan’s new book Gods, Wasps and Stranglers tells their amazing story. Fig trees fed our pre-human ancestors, influenced diverse cultures and played key roles in the dawn of civilization. They feature in every major religion, starring alongside Adam and Eve, Krishna and Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad. This is no coincidence – fig trees are special. They evolved when giant dinosaurs still roamed and have been shaping our world ever since. READ MORE


The silencing of the seas: how our oceans are going quiet.
86twnrrm-1474004746AUSTRALIA – The oceans are filled with sounds produced by animals. However, a recent study shows that ocean sounds are diminishing due to nutrient pollution and ocean acidification. Despite appearances the oceans are far from silent places. If you dunk your head underwater you’ll hear a cacophony of sounds from wildlife great and small, crashing waves, and even rain. And it’s louder still for creatures attuned to these sounds. However, humans are changing these ocean soundscapes. Our recent research showed that changes caused by people, from ocean acidification to pollution, are silencing the seas' natural noises. (We’re also filling the oceans with human noise). This is bad news for the species that depend on these noises to find their way. READ MORE


Dear Friends,

Please find the following Link. The Nagenahiru Project on Solar Power for Night Fishing in Sri Lanka is selected as a finalist by the Water, Air and Food Foundation in Denmak.
The Final winner will be selected by Public voting.

Your co-operation is highly appreciate to cast more votes for our project.

“The Sri Lankan Nagenahira Foundation has developed affordable LED lanterns for the artisanal fishermen fishing at night in the inland waters of Sri Lanka. Before this development, the use of kerosene lamps was polluting the air and aquatic ecosystem, affecting the health of communities and costing families a third of their income. The new LED lanterns are kerosene-free and powered by a rechargeable batteries and provide improved lighting for up to 16 hours. They are easy to maintain and cheaply rechargeable with photovoltaic panels, minimizing the environmental footprint.”


Kind Regards,



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ACTION ALERTS WANTED: MAP News is looking for links to calls to actions/petitions and letter writing campaigns on mangrove issues, tropical coastal communities and other related topics. Not all submissions can be selected, but we look forward to hearing about your work and want to let our readers' voice be heard!
Email submissions to news@mangroveactionproject.org

Action Alerts:

VOTE The Nagenahiru Project on Solar Power for Night Fishing in Sri Lanka is selected as a finalist by the Water, Air and Food Foundation in Denmak. VOTE HERE

MAP Calendar 2017
MAP is happy to announce that we are now accepting orders for our 2017 Children's Mangrove Art Calendar . This is our 16th annual edition of Children's Mangrove Art, and this Calendar is celebrating MAP's 25th Anniversary! Please order your calendars now, and help us celebrate a quarter century of MAP's work to Save the Mangroves!"

MAP Mangrove Action Day PhotosView photos of our 2016 Event

The world's largest mangrove forest is in danger from a massive coal plant.
UNESCO can put pressure on India and Bangladesh to protect the forest, but they need to see that people around the world are speaking out. Click here to add your voice.

Tell the Ex-Im Bank: Don't let Big Coal wreck mangrove forests
The U.S. Export-Import Bank is considering using US tax dollars to pay for two coal plants in Bangladesh. These projects would wreck the world’s largest mangrove forest and devastate the Bengal tigers that live there. We need your help to stop it! 

Our new short documentary, Reducing the Risk of Disaster through Nature-Based Solutions : Mangroves

EPIC-Film 2
Tell Dam Builders to Pull Out of Agua Zarca Dam! For years, critics of the Agua Zarca dam project in Honduras have been targeted by a campaign of violence, intimidation and outright murder. Then, on March 2, Berta Cáceres – vocal critic of the Agua Zarca Dam, Goldman Prize winner and mother of four – was brutally murdered in her home. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Sign out Petition

Tell Red Lobster its "Endless shrimp" deal is damaging and unfair to the workers SIGN THE PETITION
Mangroves: Guidebook to Malaysia – available for download here
Mangrove rehabilitation in Asia – Local Action and cross-border Transfer of Knowledge for the Conservation of Climate, Forests and Biodiversity VIEW VIDEOS HERE

Volunteer Opportunities with Mangrove Action Project CLICK HERE

Want to learn more about mangroves?mangrove-action-project-presentation-1-1024.jpg?cb=1424228039
Our short presentation will give you a better understanding of the issues we are working to solve. WATCH PRESENTATION
What is CBEMR? Easy to follow fact sheet – CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE to watch short introductory video. Together we can work "at the roots of the sea".

Join us in saving our beautiful country!
We hope you have been following the ongoing battle in Bimini, Bahamas.
We are in need of your help more than ever Click here
Exclusive Interview with Alfredo Quarto, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Mangrove Action Project – See more
Save the Sundarbans from Rampal power plant – View Sample Letter to Minister
Sign the Petition
Question Your Shrimp- Don't Buy or Sell Imported Tropical Shrimp! Sign the Petition

Marvellous Mangroves Curriculum

Marvellous Mangroves Curriculum in Bangladesh – WATCH VIDEO

En Portuges
Marvellous Mangroves – A Curriculum-Based Teachers Guide.

Education in the Mangroves - China


Check out our presentation for more details on Marvellous Mangroves

“Education In The Mangroves" can now be seen on the  PhotoPhilanthropy website here!

Read this 10 page history of the development of MAP’s educational curriculum VIEW DOCUMENT
Article in Canada's Green Teacher Magazine – Read More

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It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result. —Mahatma Gandhi

Green Planet Fundraising Assists MAP – LEARN MORE

View MAP’s uploaded Videos at MAPmangrover’sChannel

The importance of restoring mangroves in an effective, long-term manner. Mangrove CBEMR video – VIEW

Question Your Shrimp Consumer/Markets Campaign!  WATCH VIDEO

Mangrove Restoration in Asia – Watch Short Video

Mosaic of Life 
READ A MOSAIC OF LIFE Peek into the underwater world of mangroves, "womb of the sea." By Liz Cunningham Photos By Wes Matweyew and Liz Cunningham

"Question Your Shrimp" Campaign

Learn more about the affects of the shrimp industry on mangroves by visiting our blog

Editor’s Note: Mangrove Action Project’s Executive Director, Alfredo Quarto was interviewed about shrimp by Green Acre Radio’s Martha Baskin

Information sheds clear light on shrimp-mangrove connection

Question Your Shrimp

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